MISSION OF THE RESEARCH LABORATORY (pursuant to article 4 of the decree No 99-234)
Objectives of scientific research andtechnological development
The various sectors likely to be concerned by the sphere of activity of this research laboratoryare:
chemical industry and petrochemical(Refineries, GNL, CPNK, ASMIDAL, E.N.C.G,E.N.A.D, ENAP…)
pharmaceutical industry (SAIDAL)
The possible applications being able to bedeveloped for these sectors are summarized as follows:
Synthèse and improvement of the propertiesof the biologically active substances in particular anti-cancer drugs.
Développement of the techniques ofextraction and purification of the natural activesubstances in the plants in Algeria.
Contribution to the improvement of thesurface-active compounds in fact detergents
Remplacement of the products imported byproducts of national manufacturing
Scientific advices with the industrialists.
Study and research tasks to carried out
In its sphere of activity, the missions of this research laboratory can be summarized as follows:
Synthèse, structural study of thebiomolécules
physicochemical Etude of the synthesizedcompounds: determination of constantthermodynamic, kinetic study of decompositionand complexation by neutral ions andmacromolecules.
Cerner optimum conditions of extraction andpurification of the extracts of plants to be aimedtherapeutic
Préparation and improvement of thedetergents.
catalytic Synthèse of heterocyclic molecules
molecular Modélisation
Research program in the field of theseactivities, by team and project
The research laboratory of chemistry is composed of four research orientations andwhich are:
Synthèse and Développement of Composedof Biological Interest.
Natural substances and applications,
Synthèse of Nitrogenized Heterocycles,
Synthèse and Modélisation.